New Year, Same Problems

The new year has its own set of challenges but they are very much similar to last year's challenges

By Kumbirai Mutengo

Feb 7, 2024

The current Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has failed to address challenges that have rocked the nation for months and he is reluctant to resolve the issues. The country is facing a plethora of challenges and one being the unemployment rate which has reached alarming levels as graduates have resorted to vending in order to find a source of income at this time of hardship.

The government conducted a sham of a job fair where graduates were supposed to get jobs, unfortunately a lot of them were turned away because the doors were closed and they were so many graduates between the ages of 19 and 30 who wanted jobs.

Among the challenges faced by Zimbabweans the cost of living has gone up with rampant price hikes that have gripped the nation. Prices for basic commodities have gone up and items such as meat, bread and sugar the prices have gone up.

The Zimbabwean dollar is losing value and the government is reluctant to fully dollarize. The ZANU PF government has been winning elections despite the fact that there is an alarming poverty in the country. The country is becoming poor and poor everyday with the least paid civil servant getting paid in the Zimbabwean dollars which is losing value by the day.

The nation is currently having a Cholera outbreak which the government has failed to resolve, the outbreak has gone for months and late last year there was another outbreak and government is failing to contain the disease.

The price for food stuffs which has gone up is the major challenge the country is facing with the President silent when things are bad as they are. It shows his failure to address problems as they happen.

The people of Zimbabwe have continued to live in abject poverty when the elite live lavish lives and most of the government officials and politicians are not affected by price hikes in Zimbabwean dollars because they get paid in US dollars.

The life of an average Zimbabwean citizen is hard and many are failing to make ends meet due to the current price hikes. Zimbabweans wait for the President to address the situation but he continues to be silent when he is supposed to be acting. He has continuously said that he is a listening President henceforth we wait for his action.

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